Building success in Recruitment

We provide a platform that helps connect recruitment entrepreneurs with the expertise and resources they need to start and to scale their business.

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Start your own business

Founders Seed is committed to providing the resources and support that entrepreneurial recruiters need to step out on their own and build an exciting recruitment organisation. We look forward to an informal, confidential discussion with any budding recruitment entrepreneurs.

Get Started


Scale your own business

If your recruitment organisation is struggling to make the leap to the next level, we have the capital, the expertise and the systems in place to take a recruitment organisation to the next level. Contact us for an informal, confidential discussion around taking your business forward.

Start to Scale


Our portfolio of businesses

We have developed recruitment organisations around the UK into £million operations with dozens of staff. Hear the stories direct from the leaders within our recruitment business development group.

View Portfolio

Case Studies:
An Expanding Portfolio

Our agencies are growing their experience, capability and revenue across the UK.

Our Stories

“I brought my vision of Reviva to Founders Seed and they helped make it a reality through expert strategic support as well as financial investment and operational support. We’re now growing from strength to strength and driving towards becoming a market leader in our field”
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Aaron Farrell
Reviva Resourcing

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